Birds of Montenegro
Birds of Montenegro – 352 bird species have been registered in Montenegro so far (out of 533 species registered in Europe so far or 65% of European ornithofauna), including Turnix sylvaticus, whose occurrence has remained suspicious. Also, the presence (for example: Fulmarus glacialis) and the status of certain species (for example: Carpodacus erythrinus) were determined […]
Nesting and migration
Birds, without exception, lay eggs, and most of them take care of their offspring. The offspring are taken care of by both parents (when they lay eggs, they take turns or not). Sometimes this is done only by the female (for example in the case of hens), in some cases it is done only by […]
Help the birds
Nesting houses Nesting houses – Artificial nests are primarily inhabited by birds that nest in holes, in trees or in rock crevices. The best way to protect these birds is to preserve as many natural cavities as possible, if that is not possible, we start making artificial ones. In this way, we will attract many […]